Don’t violate any trademark
Include The Name as Keywords
Distinctive & easy to-remember name
Estimate how often you download the app to rank well in each category
Calculate your strengths: The more competitive your download, the more downloads you will get
Choose the category closest to your app
design the icon is very importantmake icon unique and simpleFocus on style and goal of icon
convincethe user todownloadthe app
Distinctive and easy to remember
make it explane the goal of your app
Watch your competitor closely
Focus on keywords
Encourage your user
Start searching for specialized sites and their contact information
Start searching beforelaunching for a long time
contact with all when you launch the app
-Prepare the press file that contains the photos and introduce the app and the founders
–continue to collect the data
–Target journalists and editors who specialize in your industry
sharing the appon social mediaevaluate the app